Something to Say


The first book in my Dragon’s Brood Cycle series, Haven Lost, is now available to read for free on Kindle Unlimited for the first time, if that’s your thing. The Kindle edition is now only $0.99 to purchase, too. πŸ“š


My revisions to Haven Divided are complete! Next up: off to my editor. πŸ™ŒπŸ•ΊπŸ“š


Revisions to Haven Divided are now 92% complete. I always find that applying polish to the last quarter of a piece takes the longest, but it is also the most satisfying. πŸ“š


πŸ”– This is extremely cool. FicDown is a Markdown based syntax for writing interactive fiction stories.


Despite the fact that I tend to do my best writing in the evening hours, I’ve belatedly come to the realization that I do my best revising in the mornings and afternoons. That seems counterintuitive to me. πŸ“š


75% finished with the revisions to Haven Divided. Right on track to get the manuscript to my editor by the end of the month. πŸ˜ƒπŸ“š

News: Haven Lost is now just $0.99 in Kindle Stores πŸ“š


In anticipation of the release of Haven Divided, the Kindle edition of Haven Lost is now just $0.99 on! The price has been similarly lowered in Kindle stores around the world, so if you’ve been thinking of picking it up, now would be a great time! Of course, it’s also available on Audible!

News: Haven Divided: The Dragon's Brood Cycle, Vol. 2 πŸ“š


The second volume of The Dragon’s Brood Cycle is written! Haven Divided will be shipped off to my editor by the end of the month. It’s been a long time in coming, but I am so proud of the manuscript, and I can’t wait for readers to rejoin Emily on her adventures. Expect more news on this title, including a projected release date, very soon!

News: Universal Harmonics


Christie Stratos, my editor for Harmony’s Song, asked me to write a guest post. I’m very happy with the result, and I hope you will enjoy the piece as well. My thanks to Christie for the opportunity to share a piece of my writing process with her readers.

And, incidentally, if you’re looking for a fantastic editor for a writing project, it’d be tough to do better than Proof Positive. I couldn’t be happier with Christie’s work.

News: Harmony's Song: A Dragon's Brood Tale πŸ“š


Last June, I wrote about the release of Haven Lost, the first volume in my Dragon’s Brood Cycle series of fantasy novels. While I continue writing the second volume, here’s a short story that takes place just before the events in Haven Lost entitled Harmony’s Song.

Life is hard for Daniel and the other kids who struggle to live on the streets of Ravenhold, a seaside city allied with the sorceress Marianne and the kingdom of Seven Skies. There is seldom enough to eat, and the nights are cold, but Daniel finds warmth and friendship when he meets the enigmatic Harmony. Their special bond, coupled with the mystery of Harmony’s past, sends Daniel from his life on the streets to the wider world beyond in this short story prequel to Haven Lost and the Dragon’s Brood Cycle.

You can find it in the Kindle Store, and it can also be viewed here on

There’s also a song that is featured in the story which you can listen to in the Media section of the official Dragon’s Brood website, though you might want to make sure you read the story first.

The reception that Haven Lost has enjoyed far exceeded my expectations, and I thank everyone who has come on this journey with me.

News: Snow, Tea, and Dreams


It’s the final day of the Haven Lost virtual book tour today. The first stop is at Straight From the Library, which includes an interview. The second and final stop of the tour is over at Welcome to My World of Dreams and includes a short essay on how I write. Thanks for following the tour, and I hope you will read and enjoy Haven Lost.

News: Aliens, Wizards, or the Undead


It’s day three of the Haven Lost virtual book tour today. Inspector Clouzot, Stephen King, Harry Potter, and George Michael all manage to make an appearance. Check it out!

News: Meet Emily Haven


It’s day two of the Haven Lost virtual book tour today. There will be two stops on the tour, the first of which is at Long and Short Reviews. Check it out for a special glimpse into Emily Haven’s character in a piece that has not previously appeared anywhere.

Today’s second stop is at Deal Sharing Aunt and includes an interview and an excerpt from Haven Lost.


News: Good Journey


Day one of the Haven Lost virtual book tour is today, and the first stop is at Indy Authors. There’s an excerpt from the book as well as a short essay that I wrote specifically for this stop. Enjoy!

News: Haven Lost: The Dragon's Brood Cycle, Vol. 1 πŸ“š


Well, Here it is. My first novel has been published, and I am both excited and a little nervous now that it is out in the wild. It’s the first volume of a sword and sorcery style fantasy series that has been knocking around inside my head for over two decades. I hope you’ll read and enjoy it. It’s available for $2.99 from all the major e-book distributors like iBooks, Kindle, Nook, and Kobo. There is also a paperback edition on You can also view its entry on

Legends never die; they just go into hiding …

Sixteen-year-old Emily Haven, heroine of the girls’ hockey team at Lindsey High, has spent her young life keeping two secrets: her rapidly deteriorating home life and the seemingly supernatural power that makes her a star on the ice. When she begins seeing visions of a lost and ragged boy reflected in mirrors and shop windows, a series of events unfolds that tears her from twenty-first century Minneapolis and leaves her stranded in another world with horrors to rival those she has left behind. Lost amidst creatures of fantasy and legend, she is forced to confront the demons of both her past and future to unravel the riddle of the mysterious boy and embark upon a journey to uncover long forgotten histories and the dark, cloaked figure in the shadows behind them all. Caught between opposing forces of a war she does not understand, Emily must find new strength within herself and, above all, the will to remember her friends.

Thanks to everyone who has supported me through this experience. I couldn’t have done it without you.